
My rear wheel in the Pacific

My virtual bike trip across America, inspired by Ellie, begins by dipping the rear wheel of my bike in the salty waters of the Pacific Ocean, adjacent to Crystal Pier, in the Pacific Beach neighborhood of San Diego, California.

Naturally I'm careful about getting sand on the bike, and so I must carefully pick it up after that little excursion and carry it over to the boardwalk at the head of Garnet Avenue for the beginning of my imaginary cross-country journey.

Many's the time that I have jogged along those sands, frolicked on the beach, and played in those waters. I'll ride down memory lane a little around the area before I strike out to the east.

Ride along with me. I'll be posting and mapping my updates regularly as I progress in my real-life equivalent-mileage cycling training for Ironman Florida in November, 2006.